Pipeline Training Archives

Featured Pipeline Training
We are dedicated to developing Christian Educators
Featured Pipeline Training
"What happened to Sunday School?"
Recorded in March 2024
This session will be an overview of the state of Church School. This session will give a historical overview of Church School and its evangelistic thrust. For this session, we will convene a group of panelists to discuss their thoughts on the state of Church School and their experience as Sunday School students or teachers. The panelist will also answer questions. These questions will be asked during the session and received prior to the session via email. The goal is to help rebuild the Church School ministry, that helps shape, form, and nurture our faith and make disciples. After all, everything most of us learned about God we learned in Sunday school.

Previous Pipeline Trainings
"Strategically Planning for Youth Ministry in the CME Church"
Recorded in January 2024
Chapter 8 of Pressing Forward: Faith, Culture and African American Youth Dr. Carmichael D. Crutchfield writes about Contemplative Pedagogy. He says, “Contemplative Pedagogy shifts the focus of teaching and learning to incorporate first-person approaches which connect learners to their lived, embodied experience of their own learning. Black adolescent learners are encouraged to become more aware of their internal world and connect their learning to their own values and sense of meaning, which in turn enables them to form richer, deeper, relationships with their peers, their communities, and the world around them.”
In the Winter Practitioner available January 2024, Dr. Crutchfield gives some contemplative pedagogical approaches. During the January Department of Christian Education and Formation Pipeline, Dr. Crutchfield will further explain the meaning of Contemplative Pedagogy, some of its practices, and give further information on how he sees this as a way of reaching adolescents beyond the normal classroom setting.
"Strategically Planning for Youth Ministry in the CME Church"
Recorded in November 2023
Join the Connectional Youth Ministry in discussing a comprehensive plan to engage youth on all levels of the church. The session will explore who we are, the environment, and offer solutions to help young people dream bigger, serve wider, and reach further for the kingdom. This strategic plan for Youth Ministry aligns with the discipline and principles of the General Department of Christian Education and Formation.
"Streamline Christian EducationPractices Using Technology"
Recorded in October 2023
Join the Department of Christian Education and Formation in a discussion on the use of technology in delivering Christian Education in the local church. This session will focus on how to adequately incorporate technology as a helpful tool to streamline educating students in-person, online or through hybrid settings.
Ministry the "Way of Jesus"
Recorded in September 2023
This session is based on discipleship. The class is designed to provide tools to teach “the way” of Jesus and to provide thoughts and action on following Jesus in everyday life. Furthermore, the course is designed to explore how as disciples of Jesus we educate people to serve in continuity with Jesus’ ministry of justice and mercy.
Ministry to Older Saints
Recorded in March 2023
This session will focus on ministry to "Older Saints"
Ministry to Youth Using Technology
Recorded in October 2022
This session will focus on discussions of technology and other resources to aid and support youth ministry. This session will be led by our Connectional Youth VPs.