Making disciples through events that form and transform
The Department of Christian Education provides “cradle to the grave” nurture in the Christian faith for the members of the CME Church. In addition to those activities normally associated with Christian, this department prepares, selects and recommends all literature and materials to be used in CME churches especially for Sunday Church schools, membership training classes and children, youth and young adults. The Department also prepares, selects and recommends leadership training and promotional literature for ALL the areas of the life and witness of the CME Church. It promotes programs of Christian nurture by keeping the CME Church informed about such activities as Christian Education Week and National Youth and Young Adult Week.
The Department promotes Sunday Schools, Christian Youth and Young Adult Fellowships, Vacation Bible Schools, adult education courses, Bible Study Courses, and so forth.
Through the General Secretary, Dr. Carmichael Crutchfield, the Department serves as the official liaison between the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, the colleges and the theological school which are under the auspices of the CME Church.